Eco Certification | Ecoganic farming - Red Tip Banana, Avocado, Papaya.

Eco Certification

Certified EcoganicEcoganic™ Certification requires monitoring of key species of flora and fauna as indicators of a balanced eco system. Soil health is tested regularly and sent to independent laboratories for analysis and reporting. We examine the results of soil tests and biodiversity monitoring to be confident that products (which have a negative impact on the environment), are not being used by the farms which grow under our patented system.

Our focus under the Ecoganic™ farming system is to produce food with taste and flavour, a denser texture – giving it a longer shelf life. We do not place undue importance on the goal of obtaining the optimum growth of the plant (or yield). We strive to farm in harmony with nature, as opposed to fighting against it by employing chemicals (whether synthetic or organic) to kill pests or alter the bio-chemistry of the soil.

Under the Ecoganic™ growing system, Mother Nature is our greatest helper and most valuable resource. She provides in abundance all of the creatures (great and small) who are needed to grow a safe, healthy and sustainable crop. By unlocking nature’s secrets and working with her, we have proven that it is possible to grow a healthy crop, sustain a healthy lifestyle and protect the future for our family and yours.


Environmental Policy Statement >

Inspecting the harvested fruit.

Inspecting the harvested fruit.


Healthy insect population is encouraged

Healthy insect population is encouraged


Avocado grown under the Ecoganic protocols

Avocados grown under the Ecoganic farming system, ready for the markets.